Customer MDM Magic Wordles

The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Master Data Management of Customer Data 2014 is out. One place to get it for free is by using the Informatica registry style page offered in the Informatica communication here.

So, what is good and what is bad when looking for a MDM vendor if you are focusing on customer data right now?

Some words in the strengths assessment of vendors are:

Magic plus

Some words in the cautions assessment of vendors are:

Magic minus

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2 thoughts on “Customer MDM Magic Wordles

  1. abhinavkhullar 4th November 2014 / 15:11

    Henrik, the general analyst attention trend does seem to be going the multi-domain way. It is interesting that TCO comes up as a highlight in the caution assessment!

    A conversation with one of the top 5 Oil and Gas companies comes to my mind. The essence was – while we wish we could choose one vendor who could effectively ‘do’ MDM for us across customers, suppliers, products and materials, that’s probably not going to be the case. The main obstacle in getting multi-domain MDM vendors to take care of domains like Materials is that all the information modelling drives up our TCO.

    Maybe that is why Gartner continues MDM for product and customer as different market quadrants.

    • Henrik Liliendahl Sørensen 4th November 2014 / 16:28

      Thanks a lot for commenting Abhinav. Indeed, as a buyer of MDM solutions you must consider if multi-domain actually means doing all domains with one brand. You probably could be hurt by concentrating your RFP on one domain and just check multi-domain as fulfilled because the vendor says they (want to) do that.

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